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Campaign update #4 22.11.23

Writer's picture: UPDATEUPDATE
  • 19,000 postcards sent out: we’ve ordered 10,000 more.

  • News of our campaign spreads.

  • Advert for Petition The King in the next issue of The Light Paper.

Two days ago we sent out our 19,000th postcard with our 365th order. Two weeks ago we ordered another batch of 10,000 postcards from our printer, Sean Cobbins, and will collect them this weekend.

In the next issue (December) of The Light Paper, our supporter Graham Phillips from Hampshire has paid for an advert promoting our Petition The King Campaign. We are also making our third attempt to get an article in the next edition in The Light Paper about the Petition The King Campaign’s contribution to the wider campaign to fight the WHO power grab – so we hope it will be a case of ‘third time lucky’.

As might be expected, there has been no coverage yet of our campaign in mainstream media. But knowledge of the campaign is spreading - with features about it in UK Column, Save Our Sovereignty, The White Rose, Stand-in-the-Park and several others.

Very often, our campaign becomes known just through one person passing a card and/or one of our flyers to a friend or relative. This way, many potential supporters learn about it for the first time.

We had very good news when campaigning doctor Dr Clare Craig ordered some postcards from us and said she would spread news of our campaign to others. Dr Craig, a member of the Royal College of Pathologists, is Co-Chair of the HART Group (Health Advisory and Recovery Team: and the author of ‘EXPIRED: Covid – The Untold Story’.

We are delighted to wind up this ‘Campaign update’ with recent quotes from some who suddenly found out about our campaign, ordered cards from us, and are now spreading the word

“Thank you for your efforts and wise ways in organising this campaign” – Carrie, Aberdeen

“Thank you to all involved in this campaign, with continuing prayers” – Nancy, West Lothian

“I think postcards to the Palace are a great idea and I will play my part in helping things on”– David, Northwich, Cheshire (1st message)

“I need some more postcards! I am quite surprised with the response I have had with friends/relatives...I have not come across a single dissenting voice. Everyone is set against giving powers to the WHO. Many did not know this transfer of power was actually happening” – David, Northwich, Cheshire (2nd message, four weeks later)

“Thank you so much for your wonderful idea for this campaign and for making these postcards available for us” – Dorreya, Stoke-on-Trent

“Many thanks for organising this campaign. I have lost many members of my family and friends due to being vocal about the government, medical and media lies about Covid, lockdowns, masks and killer jabs” – Carol, Westerham, Kent

“Thank you so much for organising this campaign” – Rosalind, Brighton

“I enclose a cheque for ‘Petition the King’ cards. Let’s give King Charles a fright!” - Alison, Wincanton, Somerset

“Thank you for organising this very important campaign” – Robert, Bristol

“Your website was drawn to our attention by UK Column”- Wynne, Cardigan

“I am fully in support of your campaign. I only wish I could distribute more, but my circle of acquaintances has diminished due to my uninjected status” – Grahame, Hastings

“Thank you very much for organising the ‘Petition The King’ campaign” – Christine, Southampton

“I think the postcards to the King is a great idea, and anything we can do to stop the amendments, and giving power to the WHO, is worth every effort. I saw your efforts on UK Column News” – Rosemary, Banbridge, County Down, N, Ireland

“This is a very good and important project and we will encourage as many people to participate as we can” – Jackie, Lyme Regis

“Thanks for making an effort to help our country” – Christopher, Gravesend

“Thanks for the postcards...could you let me have a hundred more cards please, I intend to visit local shops to give them out; doors already open there since my last foray...” – Terry, Wem, Shropshire

“Thank you for the work you are doing” – Mavis, Penn, Buckinghamshire

“Thanks for the postcards. The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing (Edmund Burke)” – John, Newcastle-under-Lyme

“With the postcards and lots of prayer, hopefully we can, as Christians, help turn this around and remove any power the WHO seeks to impose on our country” – Cynthia, Rugby


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